The Father Says Today: June 11th, 2013

Russ-May-2013The Father says today that I never required you to be great or to do great things. I simply ask that you make yourself available as a vessel of My glory. The priests who ministered under the fading glory of animal sacrifice were not allowed to perspire or sweat as they went about their duty. Likewise in your life My son and daughter I will enter into your circumstance only through the door of resting and trusting that you afford Me.
So relax says the Father. Relax and find this day the yoke easy and burden light that I prepared for you before the world began. There is no burden that My brow did not bear with the thorns on the tree. Release those cares and trials to Me and see how effortlessly they fade away as a tissue of incorporeality and untruth. See this day says the Father that My substance is usurping the falsehood of burdens and weariness and heartbreak. No longer will you bear the false burden of the lying vanities that have assaulted your heart. This day I bring you to liberty and quench your weariness in My strength and favor.

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  • john bavido says:

    What an apt word for today…”my burden is light” indeed. Take in a breath and exhale (he) is in control. Thanks for your sensitivity to the holy spirit.