The Father Says Today: June 10th, 2023

The Father says today, drink deeply of My refreshing. I am the water from the rock that follows you to every dry place. When you are parched in your spirit and crying out for relief, know that I will bubble up within you and fill you with My mercy and My strength. Refuse to partake of the unsatisfying waters of the world’s diversions and distractions. Find your resource and inspiration in Me. At the end of the day, your rejoicing will be increased, and your sleep will be sweet. You will lie down in peace and wake up to the new circumstances that I have prepared for you. Do not allow yourself to believe that change is long in coming. I am the God of suddenly, and when I step into the bow of your boat, you will find yourself suddenly at land.

This is your hour, and this is your season. I am not waiting till your suffering is acute before I will act. Now is the day of salvation. Now is the moment that I come through for you. I am an ever-present help in a time of trouble. I am not withdrawn from you in any way and I take no pleasure in your pain and suffering. Look to Me. Refuse to answer again those who are railing against you. You are where your attention takes you. Ignore them. Refuse to believe the lie of the evident and trust in the inevitability of My favor to deliver you and set your feet on the solidity of My faithfulness. This is your portion and this is the plan that I am working out in your life. Your eyes will see it, and you will rejoice.

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