The Father says today, you are one substance with Me. When I came into the earth, I emptied Myself of all the attributes of My glory in heaven. I then paid the price that you know Me as the WAY to ascend into My throne and be seated with Me at the Father’s right hand. You are accepted in the beloved. As I am in the heavens, so are you in the earth. How am I? How am I in the heavens at the right hand of the Father? Am I sick? Am I impoverished? Am I in brokenness? Then do not accept any of these lying conditions and circumstances in your own life on the earth. You are the Entitled ones of My throne. Nothing shall by any means harm you. Believe the good report and see the full manifestation of all I paid for you on Calvary.
Make it your determination that you will not limit yourself by finite or natural understanding. Your station in life will not and cannot impede My ability to bless you. Your economic status is no hindrance to the plan I have to bring you into your blessing place. Your ethnicity, your marital status–none of these things can bar or impede the outpouring of My glory and blessing upon you. Change your mind about such things, says God. Forget the past. Forget the egregious failures of times gone by. I AM here. I AM moving. I AM raising you up and setting your feet in a certain place of benefit and blessing, and nothing shall stand in the way of My purposes to fulfill your destiny.
Prophet Russ Walden
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Bernard La Chance says:
Amen father!
A Reed says:
Hallelujah. I needed this encouraging prophetic word. It is just as it has been spoken. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.