The Father Says Today: June 10th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-06-03 at 7.03.38 PMThe Father says today that there is no place for you in the sandlot of religious self importance. You have seen this error and you have marveled at the number of men and women who seem content to live in that context of falsehood. Your place says the Father is to spill out in the real world and demonstrate your confidence in My kingdom in the every day world you live in.
In My great intercessory prayer in the gospel of John I did not pray that you would be taken from the company of ungodly men. I simply prayed that you would be kept from the evil. Do you believe My prayer is answered, even in this generation? Do not be distracted by the crowds of ignorant and ungodly men and women. Neither be deluded by those who have contented themselves in the artificial environment found in the ghetto of religion.
You are My living letter says the Father. I have written Myself into your life with clarity and purpose. Go forth this day and be open and transparent and read of all men. In so doing you will seek the kingdom and as a result all things will be added to you.

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  • john bavido says:

    Yes and yes again. Even Paul didn’t go to the other apostles for approval after he saw Jesus he just followed the lord right where he was.