The Father Says Today: July 8th, 2023

The Father says it’s a new day for you. Old things are passing away, and new things – opportunities, open doors, and upgrades are coming your way. Stretch out and extend the power of your faith and say to your soul, “Experience the day of new beginnings!” I am on the move says God and My divine covenant is in motion in your life. The promise was ratified at the cross and sealed with the shed blood of Calvary. Not an empty promise, or vacuous religious platitude, but a powerful force originating in the glory that is IN YOU and is working relentlessly to bring about highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.  You have been questioning, “God, what is happening in my life? What lies ahead?” Rest assured, that you need not fear the future. Instead of anticipating your downfall, you are rapidly approaching the dawning of a glorious day – specifically designed by My right hand. Things are lining up for change. This is a season where the constellation of your life will reveal the Daystar, even Jesus, visiting you, guiding and illuminating your path towards a greater purpose.

 Diligently cultivate patience during this time. That which you have yearned and waited for is right at your doorstep. Let patience work it’s perfect work in you. Your destiny is not doomed to be abandoned or stillborn. The promises will not be hindered or nullified by your present, seemingly insurmountable circumstances. Others may mock, doubt, or disbelieve but pay no attention to them. Those who lack faith will not partake in the blessings in store for you. However, you will not only partake but also be a first participant in the extraordinary works of My initiatives unfolding on the earth. So, be bold and open your mouth wide! Speak forth in declaration with confidence, and be ready to receive the abundant blessings I have prepared for you. This is the appointed hour and season for you to reap the fullness of My faithfulness in your situation. Embrace this moment, for it marks a turning point in your life. I am surely, and verily orchestrating an incredible transformation, and you have been chosen to taste the goodness and glory that I am pouring out upon My dear ones. I urge you, says God and invite you into the grand narrative of My promises written before the earth was founded with your name in the victory column. I have been with you, working in the background, aligning all the elements of your life to culminate in this extraordinary season. Embrace this truth and step into the radiant destiny that awaits you.

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