The Father says Today: July 8th, 2019

The Father says today, ORDER brings GLORY! I am bringing order to the house of disorder. The walls of partition among My people are being dissolved. They will come to the house of prayer together and together their prayers on the earthly altar will ascend as coals of fire to the heavenly altar that is ever before Me. There will be flashes of lightning and earthquakes and the sound of many waters – not for destruction – but for a reconstituting in this century of what My church was centuries ago. Say in your heart, “I want to find my ordered place in my Father’s kingdom.” I will hear you, says the Father, and I will make a place for you here by Me.
As I passed by Moses and showed him My back parts, so I will not only pass by you but I will come to you and give you a face to face encounter with Me, and you will be FOREVER CHANGED. Set yourself in order before Me, says the Father. Draw yourself away from the soulish desires that counterfeit My anointing for I am bringing the GENUINE ARTICLE of My manifest glory upon you to move in you and through you out into the earth. You will not be passed by. You will not be left out. Prepare yourself for tomorrow. I will come among you and work wonders that your eye has not seen nor your ear heard, says the Father, which will bring rejoicing of your heart and the transformation of your life.

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