The Father Says Today: July 7th, 2019

The Father says today, My throne is on the inside of you and My kingdom is manifesting within you. I never choose to separate Myself from you. Sin separates, yet through the work of the Cross, I have taken sin out of the way. Run to Me, says the Father. Come expectantly without dread for where repentance and yielding exist, sin is not imputed. I see your heart. I hear your prayer. My ear is bent low to hear your whispered cry. Know that the shed blood of Calvary is enough. I do not require you to bring another offering other than the calves of your lips and the openness of your heart to be My very own, for I am in My person your exceeding great reward.
So, exchange the sense of sin on the inside of you for the awareness of who I am on the inside of you. In the fall of man, self-consciousness eclipsed God-consciousness, but in redemption, I now renew your perception of who I AM to you and who you are to Me. I call you beloved. I call you the Entitled of My promise. I declare you are righteous before Me and no accusation can be lodged, for I have paid it all. Accept the unrestricted gift of My grace, says the Father. Refuse to strive for what I have readily offered up for you. It’s a new day. It is now your season of appropriating all that was paid for on the Cross in your behalf.

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  • Linda Orock says:

    Amen,i receive grace and thank you lord for the finished work on the cross

  • Carol May says:

    Thank You Lord Jesus Christ for Your perfect finished work at Calvary & for Your blessed blood that has redeemed me through your own suffering & faithfulness and love.
    Thank You Lord JESUS 🙌😇, Thank You Lord!