The Father Says Today: July 7th, 2013

GEThe Father says today that the world around you is a temporal veneer that can be a major distraction. Learn says the Father to look through and not just with your eye. See through the temporary elements that will one day melt with fervent heat. Look through the seen and let your feet find purchase with solidity on the ephemeral landscape of heavenly places in Christ. It is the unseen realm of the Spirit that projects, controls and rules over all the natural things around you that the five senses observe.
You see says the Father you are an eternal being with spiritual senses and discernment designed to navigate the unseen geography of My kingdom. You are a ruler and one who reigns with an authority that extends from My blood-bought throne. So open your eyes and open your heart. Look past the blindness of the empirical assessment of what you see around you. This was My overture to Adam and Eve when I asked them “Who told you that you were naked?” The enemy trapped them in limitation and restriction but I am come to liberate YOU into the limitless resources of the realm where My presence originates!

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