The Father Says Today: July 6th, 2019

The Father says today, the Daystar that I AM is arising in your heart this day — no more crying in the night. No more unanswered problems or tormenting doubts. Fear is broken over you by My hand. Now love and soundness of mind take the place where uncertainty and disappointment ruled. The blindness of the unknown is dissipating, and the clouds of discouragement are giving way to a level of clarity about your life that has long eluded you. This is what you have prayed for. This is where the very root of your greatest need is satisfied by My delivering hand. Be encouraged, says the Father. Come out of the bed of languishing and gather yourself for walking the path I am opening up to you.
Very shortly, there will be a past and broken relationship that will resurface with the earmarks of My grace and forgiveness over the situation. Don’t make assumptions about what that means, just open your mouth when the time comes and let My words be on your lips. I have anointed you as My spokesperson. I have released to you the command of an open door to walk out of captivity and confusion of past things and into a field ready for harvest with the fruit of My every promise there for the plucking because of My love for you. Let yourself turn aside from past things and navigate into this new season of benefit, says the Father, for it is only the beginning of what your tomorrows will now look like.

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  • Doreen Bucher says:

    Thank you. ABBA FATHER, for helping me. I receive this word, into my life.

  • Kathy Aumade says:

    I’ve been starving for this word my soul craves for my Savior and Master to reverse my situation! Praise Daddy God to His Highest ❤️

  • Rosie says:

    Thank you precious father for the new season of benefit you are bringing about. I receive it in Jesus mighty name. Thank you for your grace.🙏🙏🙏