The Father Says Today: July 6th, 2013

Russ-PrayingThe Father says today I am your baptism and your immersion. You are not immersed in problems or in the spirit of the world you are immersed in Me. I have drawn you down into My paternity and raised you up to be SET as a SON in My house. It is My Spirit flowing through you. My Spirit is established IN YOU and round about you. You are in THIS day walking in an ECOSYSTEM of GRACE. Even as the children of Israel had a cloud by day and fire by night so I will be this day the environment around you. I am a fire in the midst of you and a wall of fire around you.
I certify you says the Father that you will find Manna on the ground every morning and water from the rock every evening. I AM that MANNA and I am that WATER that Spiritual drink. So FEAR NOT the waste howling wilderness that bewilders others for you are traveling on My GPS and according to MY COORDINATES! I am guiding and leading. I am bringing up your rear guard and going before you to expose the snares and pitfalls of the defeated foe. You will NOT falter says the Father. Make no plans for failure but rather plan for My fidelity to establish your steps for I am the guarantor of your tomorrows.

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