The Father Says Today: July 5th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today do not fear when trouble increases in your life. When those that trouble you are increased and their assaults are intensified there is no need to panic. Though many may forsake you know this that I will never leave you I will never depart from you. I am always working in your behalf. The scope of the assault against you only establishes the measure of the benefit and blessing that is going to rain down from My throne to quench every fiery dart of the enemy. I am your Helper says the Father so there is no need to feel helpless or at the mercy of people, or circumstances, or any difficulty that may rise up against you. The enemy may charge at you full force but he will only be dashed in pieces against the shield of My glory roundabout you.
As you have cried to me so I have heard and will answer. Lift up the hands that hang down and be not discouraged says the Father. You will lie down and sleep in the midst of the assaults of the enemy and your sleep will be sweet for I am maintaining and sustaining you in the midst of every battle. Listen and know that salvation has come, know that salvation belongs to me and I am in you and you are in me and your deliverance is at hand. Do not fear man, or circumstance, or any of the things that you see coming up on the earth for you are safely hidden in My pavilion and only with your eyes will you see the destruction of wickedness that so brazenly and foolishly was sent against you. This is the hour when My delivering hand will be made manifest in your life.

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