The Father Says Today: July 5th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-07-04 at 7.09.21 PM copyThe Father says today that the weapons of your warfare cannot be matched by the enemy of your soul. I gave you the gift of faith and the dark one cannot match that weapon because he isn’t capable of gaining faith or having faith. Faith is your not-so-secret weapon. There is no reason to make faith a mystical secret because it is so powerful against the wiles of the enemy that it cannot be defeated by his rankest, most vile strategy.
So deploy the faith I have afforded you. Allow My faith to inspire you to pray. Allow My faith to command you to command. You are not a Lilliputian, Pygmalion insect before a marauding giant. You are a principality and a power with jurisdiction to destroy the works of the evil one by the power of the Blood and the efficacy of the cross. Rise UP says the Father. Allow your faith to COMMAND you to COMMAND.
You see says the Father that prayer is without accomplishment unless accompanied by faith. So never go to the place of prayer in faithlessness. The place of prayer is not a last resort it is mounting up in the heavens to take your authority and purge your jurisdiction from every assault and contamination of the enemy. This is your portion says the Father and all of heaven is backing the cry of your heart.

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  • Dare father heart god bless you ones more another daily prophetic word I received every word from that video tape I watch I am making a step closer please pray for me I have a bad pain in my chest please pray for healing in my body in Jesus name and send me a postal address to sow my seed thank you

    • God bless you Nadine … the address if you wish to mail a donation is Father’s Heart Ministry P.O. Box 14103 Springfield, MO 65814

  • May I know the Grace of God to have and use such faith I have prayed for God to break down strong holds in my own and husbands life and so need His strength could your 1 70 prophecy be taken personally thankyou