The Father Says Today: July 31st, 2012

The Father says today that I want you to know the substance of what I have done for you and not just the shadow. I didn’t go to the cross just so you could know “about Me” I want you to TASTE and SEE that I am good. I want you to know more than any Old Testament saint the fullness of My intervention in your life. The exploits and adventures you read about in the Old Testament pale in comparison to what I have already written into your life and destiny.
When you read about those who quenched the violence of the sword and felled giants and wrought righteousness under the Old Covenant remember this: that is NOTHING compared to what I am prepared and willing to do in the NEW COVENANT. If the Old Covenant saints did such things under the sprinkling of the blood of bulls and goats HOW MUCH MORE are you empowered to do under the sprinkling of the PRECIOUS BLOOD OF THE SON?
I know that hasn’t been your experience says the Father. But realize this – the level of your experience is subject to change!

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