The Father Says Today: July 30th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that My genius is at work in you. I am not calling upon you to be wise, or to be intellectual for I AM your wisdom and I AM your defense. Those things that I’m doing in your life do not arise from your brain they arise from My spirit. Your gray matter is not My habitation says the Father. Know this that your natural mind is not the only mind at work on the inside of you. I have imparted My mind to you, I have given My thoughts to you and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts. So think higher thoughts – those thoughts that originate in My mind. Those thoughts that speak in the SILENCE between your thoughts. My thoughts are a bequest, an entitlement given from the bleeding side of Calvary. This is not a time to trust in natural reasoning, logic, or the rationale of the carnal mind. Listen for My thoughts says the Father for My thoughts are rumbling through you even now for I am making Myself known to you at new depths. You will hear My voice speaking over your shoulder saying “this is the way walk you in it”. In so doing you will not falter and you will not fail as you adhere to and lean not upon your own understanding but listen to My voice that will surely direct you to the difficulties and challenges of life that would impede and stymie those things that represent highest heart’s desire in your life.
So this is not a time to be problem conscious says the Father this is a time to be God conscious. This is a time to let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who endured the contradiction of circumstances and sinners against Himself for the joy that was set before Him. The joy that I have set before you says the Father is not an illusory fantasy. I have made a promise to you and yes I have made a covenant of highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled. I say to you dream a bigger dream. You are not called to a “less than” destiny says the Father – you have been called to the high places. You have been called to mount up with wings as of Eagles. Begin to see things from My perspective and not the perspective of limitation, lack, and detriment. Rejoice in the midst of your challenge. Ask yourself “what would God do if He were in my position”? Then do that says the Father. Say to yourself and say even to those that question you “I am going to do what God would do if He were in My place”. As you do so the blessing will rise up to meet you, the darkness will be dispelled and the hand of the enemy will be destroyed and you will be the one left standing with the victor’s crown and the mark of the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus securely in your grasp.

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