The Father Says Today: July 30th, 2013

DSC04601The Father says today that this is another day of ascending the heights and passing through the mists of My Glory. You are passing through the mists of obscurity into a place of clarity and understanding. You have asked for deeper understanding and because you have asked it is given to you to know. The difference between a follower and a disciple is the asking. The casual and uninterested will gaze off in disinterested boredom but you have asked and because you have asked I will feed you of the Manna, even the Hidden Manna in the secret place of My Spirit.
Turn this day to Me with renewed vigor and in the turning I will meet you and bring you to My pavilion. I will take you behind the lattice and though you be unclothed I will clothe you with My glory and place a ring of authority on your hand. Your petition will be heard and responded to. I will bring you to the secret place where prayers are heard and answered. I will bring you to the place that the casual and self-interested are turned away from. There is a place here by Me says the Father. Take off your shoes from your feet for this is Holy Ground.

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  • Bronwyn says:

    Every morning the Daily Prophetic Word is fresh manna. I havnt found anything else like it anywhere. Much prophecy I find regarding today and every day is very similar to the words spoken in the 80s and 90s that I heard as a teenager and young adult in the church, and the revival meetings and the sweep of The Holy Spirit that took place then. It was relevant at the time but today is today. This is why I love this ministry, it is fresh, lively, powerful, sometimes funny and the love that comes through from prophets Russ and Kitty is divine love, unconditional, non judgemental, uplifting and encouraging. It is so obviously directly from the heart of our loving Father. Fresh, vibrant, exciting and most important, a word for right now, today. Just love it so very much. God bless you both Prophets Russ and Kitty.