The Father Says Today: July 2nd, 2023

The Father says today, that My government is increasing in the earth. Though gross darkness covers the nations of the earth, know this – the sky is not falling, the kingdom is coming. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but the calamities of the earth will not come near you. I am your high tower and your protection in times of storm and upheaval. Know that you are in the shelter of My pavilion, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. As the angels of heaven were assigned to Me lest I dashed My foot against a stone – even so the angels of heaven are assigned to you. You will not grope in darkness. You will not be without answers to those that challenge you. In the very hour that you are called to give an account of yourself, I will give you My wisdom and the mouth of the gainsayers will be stopped.

I am not a man that I should lie nor the son of man that I should repent. I said that you would dwell in the secret place with Me and there you will abide and be secure. Though all men forsake you and overlook you, I will not overlook you. I will not neglect you. I am an “on time” God and will deliver you and that right early. Fret not. Refuse to panic. Anchor yourself in My strength. You are not weak, and you are not a weakling. Fear and exasperation are not your portion. No matter the enormity of the challenge, you are more than enough because I am more than enough. My strength in you gives you all that is necessary. As is your day, so shall be your strength. Rest in this. Know this as your most basic truth. I am here. I am on task. I am in you and working through you to bring about highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.

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