The Father Says Today: July 2nd, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-07-01 at 6.11.19 AM copyThe Father says today that you belong to a Heavenly Order. You are a knight of the Order of the Redeemed. Your banner of service is the blood stained banner of the Cross. Your maxim is “More of you Lord and Less of Me.” I confer your standing to you by the sword of My mouth and the robe of righteousness purchased in My blood. Rise and serve you Child of the Most High!
It is a new day for you for every day is a day wherein My mercies are renewed. I am your First-fruit this day and as goes the Fruit-fruit so comes the harvest of promise. Hold to My promise. Sow My promise in your heart and let not one fowl of the air pluck it out of your bosom. Let not one circumstance or set back rob you of your assurance that I am and I will be found faithful toward you as you choose to believe that I AM and that I AM the rewarder of those that diligently seek Me.

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  • THE PEARL says:


  • Bridgette B.K.A Brigy says:

    Dear Lord, I Believe, Receive, Decree and Declare this prophetic word on today being July 2nd,
    2013 in your most holy name. Amen!