The Father Says Today: July 29th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-07-18 at 2.41.30 PMThe Father says today that acts of faith involve risk and vulnerability. Fear not says the Father. Know that the choices before you in the natural may seem daunting and unrealistic to the natural man but I am with you. I am with you says the Father to put you over and to add My ability to your extremity. When your energy and wisdom expire I will be there to extend Myself into your challenge and circumstance to bring about that which I have promised.
I promised you an outcome says the Father. I made a promise and I will make good on My word for failure is not an option. Trust Me. Trust the outcome that I revealed to you in the beginning and know that nothing that has transpired in your life will preclude the fulfillment of the vision that I have made plain in your heart. This is My time says the Father therefore it is YOUR time. It is your time of accomplishment and blessing and the performance of all that I have assured will come to pass in your life.

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  • Tracy atkinson says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this word! God is confirming through your ministry. He has given me a personal word that looks impossible to the natural sight but I know he will keep his promise even though at times I want to give up.

  • altheia brown says:

    amen that has a two part play in my life i really thank you fo allowing GOD to use you to speak upon the now thank GOD for obedience servants praise GOD!!!!!!!!!!