The Father Says Today: July 27th, 2023

The Father says today, be reminded in your heart that I am your Father and I am online and on guard to protect, bless and defend you. I am here to vindicate and avenge you of your stubborn adversaries. These adversaries are like Pharaoh, refusing to let you go and serve my purposes. But fear not, for their antics and delays will not hinder your journey toward blessings. I have heard your cry for change and have come down to deliver you from the strange lands where you have been forced to sing the My song at times, even from a joyless heart.

Know that your adversaries have made oaths to keep you bound, but who can defy My command? I have raised up my Moses’s in your midst, individuals with the unction and understanding of my ways. Seek their help and support, for they will be instrumental in breaking the bondage and oppression that limits you. You are my child of destiny; it is your time and turn to be free. No more tears or making bricks without straws, for you are on course to fulfill the great destiny I have designed for you. Trust in me, my child, and know that I am with you every step of the way.

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