The Father Says Today: July 27th, 2013

dsc04147The Father says today that your maturity is upon you. There is a growing up time even as I said in My word “this will we do if God permit…” This is a moment and a time to make room in your heart and life for the full measure of the stature of the Christ in the earth. This growing up is both a process and an experience at the same time says the Father. A growing up process necessitates a growing up experience. Your days of child custody are coming to a close. I am bringing you out from under tutors and governors and putting you on your own recognizance in your walk with Me.
There are things you have looked to others for says the Father but I declare to you that it is now time to rise up and prepare for yourself and for those around you. Those who have nurtured you and guided you have others for whom they must do likewise. You are NO MORE a child says the Father but one who is growing into the FULL measure of WHO I AM and WHO I purpose to be in your life! In YOUR life and not in the life of another says the Father. So let your dependence be upon Me and WHO I am on the inside of you and this maturity – this new maturity will BOUND you and DEFINE your faith and LAUNCH you to NEW authority says your God.

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  • john bavido says:

    Bless this ministry and give these servants extra grace with great confidence o lord!!!! “When I was a child I spoke as a child…..but now I am a man and have put off childish ways”. 1 Cor 13

  • It completely amazes me how every day these words are so accurate and relevant for that exact day. You are truly speaking the Father’s Heart. I thank God for you both and I pray you keep pressing harder into the things of God because He has already done incredible things through this ministry!
    God bless you both!