The Father Says Today: July 25th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today you know more than you think you know when you choose to open your eyes and see with the eye of the spirit. Even as Paul who enjoyed and beheld the order of the Roman church though he had never been there, likewise by My spirit I will cause you to know what your eyes have not seen, your ears have not heard, those things that you have not learned by natural process. Learn to listen to the still small voice says the Father for I will never shout or insist upon being hearkened to. My voice is the voice that whispers in the silence between your own thoughts. My voice is the still small voice that others may dismiss and account as nothing, but if you will listen I will give you a testimony of power in favor that will beggar description.
It’s water walking time says the Father so take off your shoes, for the place where you are is holy ground. I will prove My voice and bring enlargement of step as you commit to the point of no return. My Soul has no pleasure in those who put their hand to the plow and look back to the place of safety. Faith is about risk says the Father, do you have something to lose? What would it gain to win the whole world and yet lose the Pearl of great Price laid up for you? Take My hand says the Father. Let your eyes be fixed with resolute purpose. Refuse to look back to the leeks and garlics of Egypt. This is your stepping out time. This is what you have waited for your entire life so be bold, obedient and courageous for I am with you and you will not fail.

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