The Father Says Today: July 25th, 2012

The Father says today that I glorify Myself in saying yes to the cry of your heart. I have encoded every one of My promises with an automatic yes. My “yea and amen” is activated by your fidelity toward Me and love for others. Be willing for Me to say “yes” even to your most vitriolic enemy. I will bless them away from you if you will accept the fact that I love them with the same love that I love you.
Let your repeated sentiment toward them be “FORGIVE, BLESS, RELEASE.” In so doing you will deliver yourself from their torments and bring My grace into the conflict to buffer you and protect you. Love is not simply what I do says the Father. Love is who I AM. Let LOVE be who you are and relief will come. Your sleep will then be sweet in the midst of chaos because you know failure is not an option where Love is online.
Let Love produce itself in you today. As Love is manifest in your heart (even toward those who misuse and despitefully use you) I will come on the scene and break up their party of opposition against you and peace will reign in your behalf.

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