The Father Says Today: July 24th, 2023

The Father says today, enter into the finished work of Calvary. When I bowed upon the tree and said, “It is finished,” – it meant that it is finished for all time. Your healing is a past provision. The stripes that were laid on Me for healing are not a conditional resource. I do not make up My mind on a case-by-case basis whether or not I will or will not heal. The fountain stained with blood flowing from Calvary is for whosoever will and whosoever when. I will never say NO to what the cross says YES to. My sovereignty is ex-pressed in My “yes” and not in any arbitrary denial of My promise to act on your behalf.

So, enter into the “yes” and “amen” of My promise this day. There are a thousand reasons why you may not receive your healing, but there is one reason why you will: I am faithful. I am faithful to hear and faithful to deliver. My word is a faithful resource that will never leave you disappointed or disillusioned. Come up and out of the landscape of unbelief, with its featureless topography of doubt. Step out of the boat of rationale and logic, and believe that I am who I said I am, and I will do what I said I will do. This is a signs, miracles, and wonders time for you. This is the hour that the river of My grace and power begins to flow through your life and reshape what tomorrow looks like. You will live and not die. says the Father, and declare the works of your God!

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