The Father Says Today: July 22nd, 2023

The Father says today I a speak to you from a love that knows no bounds. There comes a moment in every life when struggles and challenges align perfectly with the blessings that await us just like a silver lining on a black and stormy cloud. Beloved, that moment has come for you. Now is the time to declare and speak forth all the promises bestowed upon you, to witness in your heart by faith the great harvest of destiny and abundance that has been prepared specifically for you. So I urge you, says God, this very day, to get into position and push. Push with everything you have, for your pregnancy of potential has reached full term, and your waters have just broken. Push through with your prayers, for they have the power to obtain answers to the long-term petitions and requests you have laid before me. Push with your praise and worship, and experience my presence in ways that will tangibly bring about instant change and transformation in your life.

Don’t stop! Push with your giving and support towards kingdom assignments and purposes that align with your calling. In doing so, you will receive hundredfold returns, for I will bless you abundantly. Know this, my beloved, that I am the orchestrator of time and the arranger of seasons. And in this particular season, I am resolutely determined to see your manifestation and breakthrough come to fruition. Though you may have experienced miscarriages of promise in the past, and some blessings may have been stillborn due to difficult times and inadequate preparation, that is not the case this time. You are more prepared than ever before and have been equipped with the knowledge to seize the moments and opportunities that are swiftly coming your way. Do not let fear or doubt hold you back any longer. This is your time to shine, and I am here beside you, cheering you on every step of the way.

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