The Father Says Today: July 21st, 2023

The Father says today though the enemy may unleash his worst upon you, I give you to know by divine revelation this day that your breakthrough is closer than you think. I am here with you, ready to do my very best for you. Be watchful of the last desperate attempt of the enemy as he tries to derail all that I am doing in your life. Fear not, for his plots and schemes will crumble and fail just like those in the past. Keep your eyes fixed on me and on the outcome I have planned for you. Do not be distracted by the enemy’s tactics. The only outcome that matters is the one I am bringing about and into manifest in your life right now. Know that the distractions that have plagued you in the past are eliminated in this moment. This is your time to focus and walk in perfect victory. This victory, which you have long awaited in this season of waiting, is already in your hands. It is not in the hands of any other person or circumstance. Therefore, let anything and everything that comes against you at this point work out for your good. Embrace the pressures and opposition that come your way, for they will bring about the great momentum needed for your breakthrough.

Do not grow weary, my child. It is in the end that the true purpose is revealed. It is at this point, where visions speak the loudest, that you must press into the pressure. Know that you are equipped, anointed, and graced enough to take possession of your promised land. Refuse to allow the enemy’s arrows to make you doubt yourself. Instead, strive hard and do everything necessary to step into your rightful place. Remember, this is a big part of the very best that I have done and am doing in the face of the worst-case scenarios the enemy tries to paint. Trust in me, for I will guide you and bring you to victory. You are not alone in this battle. I am always by your side, cheering you on and providing the strength you need. Go forth with confidence, my child. Take your place and claim your breakthrough. I am with you, and together we will overcome every obstacle. Believe in the goodness that is about to unfold in your life by My hand.

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