The Father says today, you are no longer mute before My throne; you will no longer be deaf but able to hear My voice with signal clarity even in the midst of the warfare you are dealing with. Open your mouth wide. No longer keep silent in the struggle you are dealing with. My Spirit is coming upon you as the eternal Word and it seeks speech. It seeks your vocal capacity to articulate your deliverance by my hand. What am I “getting at”? If you say it, I’ll do it. If you won’t say it, I won’t do it, for I am calling you to come alongside me even as I come alongside you. Did I not say in my Word that I went with them working with them, confirming the Word, the Word that proceeded out of their own mouths? Let your mouth pray, speak, declare, and decree for I will not allow your faith-filled words to fall to the ground. As my Word proceeds out of your lips, my Word churns and rumbles in your breast and comes forth with boldness and articulate clarity, even concerning your future, even concerning that immediate trial before you. I will break forth on the right hand and on the left, I will break through and bring you through that which man has constructed and the impediments that come your way.
The obstacles will be removed, and you will hear my voice as that “certain sound” among the many voices in the world, even as I said in My word. I will come to you even as I came to Adam and Eve in the garden. You will hear my sound whirling upon the breezes of your spirit. You will hear my sound as you step into your home, as you step onto the street, as you drive to your place of employment. My sound will accompany you. It will ring with clarity and deliverance, and it will bring forth the liberty you have been crying out to me for. I heard that cry and I see that need bearing down on you and crushing your spirit. I heard that which proceeded out of your mouth. Now, I have received and heard your sound. Now let my sound proceed out of your mouth and it will bring forth the breaker anointing that will activate by the oil of my Spirit the deliverance you’ve been crying out to me for.
Mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation.
I am here to be the Prophet in Your Life, to See You Come to Breakthrough in Every Area of Your Need.” ~~ Russ
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