The Father Says Today: July 20th, 2023

The Father says today, stagnation and emptiness are being banished from your path even this day. This is your hour of embraced encouragement and guidance from My hand, knowing I will always make sure you know what you need to know before you need to know it. It is vital for you to realize that the dormancy and inactivity in your life are not due to external circumstances but rather the meditations of your heart that need to be adjusted and shifted more into the currents of My kingdom power flowing around you. The thoughts and hesitations that hold you back, even when grace has been released to act, are hindering your progress. Additionally, the distractions that capture your attention and preoccupy your mind are threatening to halt the vehicle of the promotion I have prearranged for you.

Remember, the issues of life spring from the heart. Guard it carefully by engulfing your mind in the promises and focusing on things above. The kingdom is all about movement and action, so when you are called upon to act swiftly, do not hesitate. Propel the vehicle of your dreams forward with determination and courage, for I have a voice in the winds and even in the whirlwinds of the seasons. Seek this guiding light and let it lead you through every obstacle, for you are my precious sheep, and you hear and know my voice. Believe this day with all assurance that everything is set for your unveiling as promotion eagerly awaits your arrival. The command has been given, so fear not, for I am allowing these changes and sprinkling you with the necessary preparations. Stay strong, my beloved, and press on with unwavering faith and determination. You are destined for greatness, and I am here to walk alongside you every step of the way.

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  • Thank you so much Prophet Ross for your daily prophetic word that keeping me going from day to day. And keeping my faith strong and encouraged. I love and appreciate your ministries.