The Father Says Today: July 20th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-07-17 at 6.34.41 PMThe Father says today that I have given you and I have given every man the measure of faith. That faith is framing your world and recreating your being in flashes so accelerated that you cannot discern the process by any measuring device of man. It is faith that sustains you and faith that upholds you. It is the faith I accorded you as My unconditional gift to EVERY man that projects your future by days and hours and minutes. So train your faith upon Me and know that the faith I have given you will remove mountains and bring down obstacles and completely reshape and renew your being until your very existence will be a portion of heaven on earth to go to heaven in. Come up higher says the Father. Come out of the anemia of religious excuses as to why struggle comes to the human condition. Faith is a fight.
Fight the good fight of faith. The only good fight is the fight you win and I have already purchased for you victory over death, hell, lack, brokenness and over every oppression of the enemy. So deploy your faith this day. Deploy it by petition and proclamation and declaration. Deploy your faith by praise and adoration. Deploy your faith knowing that every faith filled prayer is a requisition of angels who are working even now to bring about your highest blessing and My greatest purpose in your life.

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  • Amen . prophet Russ and kitty I received every word from god with the help of your strong prayer please continue to pray for me God bless you all .