The Father Says Today: July 1st, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that to him that overcomes I will give a rod of iron. The nations shall beat themselves to shivers upon the rock upon which I will establish you says the Father. You will not be moved. You will not be displaced. You will not be disenfranchised for I am with you both to will and to do My good pleasure. The doom and gloomers have seen some things and they would flee to the mountains and the desolate places of the earth. Will you indeed look to the hills whence comes your help? Am I not the God also of the valley? Am I not the God of the inner city and the pasturelands of the earth? Fear not says the Father. Fear not for I am your rock and your strong defense in a time of trouble.
My authority is in your hand. The rod of My strength is the staff of your dominion. Even as I put Adam in the earth to subdue and have dominion so I have placed you in your life to go forth conquering and to conquer. No daughter of mine – no son of mine will cower before men. Even as I stood before Pilate and he judged himself by his own words so I stand with you today says the Father and adjudicate for you in the courts of heaven. Look up. Look not at the gross darkness on the people – yea look at the morning I have spread on the mountains in your behalf. The sky is not falling says the Father – the kingdom is coming and FOR YOU that is GOOD NEWS!!!

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