The Father Says Today: July 1st, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-06-16 at 6.54.07 PMThe Father says today I would even as the apostle Paul wrote – I would that you speak in tongues with great frequency. I would that you prophesy. I would that all My gifts were resident and frequent within you every day and for all time. In the old covenant My spirit moved upon men from time to time without any rhyme or reason. The new covenant of My shed blood brings abiding giftedness and abiding anointing.
Pray out My mysteries with the tongue of angels says the Father. Open your mouth and let your words be the words of heaven. The words of heaven requisition angels to your aid and bring heaven and earth together in a visitation of power and an invasion of Glory. Make petition says the Father. Make petition and make requisition of My resources that are laid in store for you. Petition says the Father. Petition and Proclaim. Petition, proclaim and declare. As you declare so it shall be says the Father for My promise and My power and My provision will never, never fail you.

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