The Father Says Today: July 19th, 2012

The Father says today do not be overwhelmed by the negative. When negative thoughts arise or pessimistic people pollute your day DO something about it! My word is the astringent that will cleanse your mind and emotions of the heaviness that accumulates upon you. Push back against the negative influences and refuse to allow them to take root in your person. The world makes the negative equivalent to pragmatic elitism as though pessimistic opinions were the latest fashion and “don’t you want one just like I have?”
You have asked “what is it going to take to change the situation?” It is so much simpler than you might assume!
Whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are just, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise THINK on these things. Think on these things says the Father and day by day you will incrementally raise the ambient quality of your life into the character of My kingdom, My righteousness, joy and peace.
As a man thinks in his heart so is he says the Father. Your immediate future and your destiny is prey to the spirit that controls your state of mind today. Set your mind and your affections on Me and determine to hold fast to My promises and reject every dark thought!

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