The Father Says Today: July 18th, 2023

The Father says today; I see the weariness in your eyes and the heaviness in your heart. You may feel as though despair is closing in, but trust in me, for I am leading you back to the highway of joy and happiness. Rejoice even amidst the darkness and ashes, for I am more than capable of transforming your circumstances into something beautiful. The path you have traveled thus far has been filled with countless challenges and unexpected twists and turns. It’s easy to become overwhelmed, but remember that I have always been by your side, silently observing and assisting you along the way. I’m not about to give up on you now; therefore, offer thanks and praise, for I am here with you, eagerly waiting to help you conquer any obstacle that stands in your way. Much has been promised and released upon your life, and it is only a matter of time before it becomes a reality. Let this knowledge serve as your motivation to keep pushing forward, never losing sight of the finish line. Though it may feel like you’re wandering in the darkness, far away from home, do not let your heart be troubled.

Remember in the kingdom as in life, night comes before day, and your dawn is approaching. Welcome it with open arms, my child. I understand that it may be tempting to focus solely on the natural, on the circumstances and events unfolding around you. However, I urge you to shift your gaze toward the spiritual and concentrate on the promises I have made. This is the key to walking upon the waters of the night, effortlessly breaking through into the glorious light of day. Your adversaries may believe that this is your end, but I hold the final say. And right now, I am declaring with utmost clarity that this is not the end but rather the beginning of an entirely new chapter in your life and destiny. Embrace it, my child, for in the midst of adversity, incredible growth and transformation lie ahead. So, take heart, be courageous, and let your spirit be uplifted. I am your loving Heavenly Father, and I am here to guide you through the darkest nights into the most radiant and triumphant days. Trust in my promises, for they shall be fulfilled.


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