The Father Says Today: July 18th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-07-17 at 6.35.56 PMThe Father says today that I have sealed you with the Holy Spirit of promise. I have sealed My promise within you and I have sealed out the curse and influence of the enemy. I have sealed you with a hermetically perfect seal that the enemy cannot breach. Do you understand this says the Father? The enemy cannot penetrate that which I have sealed against him! You are the SEALED BY MY SPIRIT!
I have sealed you and placed the signet of My name dipped in the crimson preciousness of the blood of the son. You are impenetrable! You are impregnable in this world from the contamination of the enemy. I have placed behind that seal in the depths of your heart My cleansing word. My words spoken to you are cleansing and purifying you into the pristine likeness of My character and My person.
I have sealed My power within and you are thereby self contained without need of any resource beyond that which I provided when I ascended up on high and led captivity captive. You come behind in no grace and no gift this day says the Father. So quit agreeing with the lack mentality and short coming viewpoint of the natural man and ascend into the fullness of My reflection in your life. I have sealed you to Myself and sealed Myself in the inner reaches of your spirit man that I have THIS DAY taken up as My renewed habitation!

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  • Pamela says:

    July 18, 2013 prophetic word
    Oh Lord, my God! I am in AWE of our Father. I am so touched by Father’s beautiful Spirit and faithfulness. This message is resonating within like a force of the river of life. These Words are not mere words; they are clothed, intertwined in Exousia and Dunamis power. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! Wow, Wow, Wow!! Do not stop speaking the Father’s heart. I am overwhelmed with Father’s grace and favor. I feel new dimensions and degrees of HIS PRESENCE. This is confirmation to a conversation that I was having with the Lord on the way to work today how HE is impenetrable, immovable and as HE is in heaven so am I here on earth. I receive this message decreed July 18, 2013. I am listening Lord Jesus. Thank you, Russ and Kitty, for your consistent obedience. The Lord is birthing, framing, designing, creating a group of believers who will walk in the resurrection and ascension power of God to the Glory of Jesus Name.

  • Bridgette says:

    Dear Lord Jesus, I humbly Decree and Declare your prophetic word. In you Lord do I place my
    trust. Amem! Amen! Amen! and Amen!

  • THE PEARL says: