The Father Says Today: July 18th, 2012

The Father says today you are going to have the opportunity to seek the kingdom over your own interests. Make your choice today to be the friend that sticks closer than a brother. Do this with no strings attached. Love your friend with the unconditional love that I have shown you. I don’t measure your worthiness before responding to your need. Rather I look to the cross. The cross is the only precondition I set for answered prayer. So there is no need to see yourself as a worthwhile object of My favor says the Father because My favor accrues to you because of the work of Calvary not because of anything you have or have not done.
So pull down the cognitive barriers between the different compartments of your life and adopt an honest view of yourself from My perspective.  In that honesty you will find the humility to give My love unconditionally to those you would otherwise withhold from. The degree to which you give My love to others is the measurement of your experience of My love. What you make happen for others I will make happen for you. Look today and seek and determine to find someone to give unconditional, undeserved, and unmerited love, acceptance and favor. You will be doing YOURSELF a great benefit and opening up ground in your own life for My miracle working power.

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