The Father Says Today: July 17th, 2023

The Father says today I have ordained you in the glory to be My witness! I have caused you to taste and see My goodness on this side of heaven. You have experienced firsthand the goodness of my character. You have witnessed my faithfulness and generosity in various aspects of your life and can confidently testify to it. My refreshing has quenched your thirst time and time again, providing you with the nourishment you need. This has prepared you to become a powerful advocate for me and for the advancement of My kingdom. It is time for you to rise up and embrace your role. You have the potential to make a lasting impact, with a great cloud of witnesses cheering you on and relying on you to complete your race with excellence and dedication. Know that you are not alone in this journey. There is help and the Helper available to you, both from those around you and from above. I have divinely positioned and strategically placed individuals in your life who are specially equipped with the skills and vision necessary to support and align with your goals. These partnerships will serve a greater purpose in advancing the kingdom of God.

Help is on the way, says God. I have dispatched numerous angels to minister to you as an heir of salvation. They are my instruments, acting as my eyes, hands, and feet in your life. Their purpose is to protect and guide you, ensuring that no harm befalls you. Your actions hold the power to activate their assistance, for any inaction will render them redundant and hinder the fulfillment of your divine purpose. Rejoice, my child, for you stand in a unique and advantageous position. It is a place reserved for only a chosen few, and many desire to be where you are. Therefore, let your focus remain solely on the things pertaining to life and godliness, casting aside distractions and worldly cares. Your situation is undergoing a transformation, shifting from old to new. Embrace this change wholeheartedly and make the necessary adjustments to hasten its manifestation. Time is of the essence, and I encourage you to act promptly, with faith and determination, to bring about the fulfillment of my promises in your life.

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