The Father Says Today: July 17th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-07-02 at 3.18.02 PMThe Father says today that I am the Author and the Framer and the Finisher of your life. Just as I formed the worlds through My faith I likewise formed your life by My hand. In every minute detail and nuance I planned your days and wrote them in a book before the foundation of the world. I don’t do anything half-way says your Father. When I wrote the tablets of your life I wrote expansively and magnanimously to bring to you every blessing in every season past, present and future.
So reject even this day the bleak picture the dark one would cast before you. He may attempt to mar the epistle of your life but just as My word stands and the enemy has been unable to destroy the scriptures through the millennia, even so My plan for your life stands and will not be overthrown or stamped out. I am writing the enemy out of the script of your life by the blood-stained pen of the cross of Calvary. Your life will be framed and shaped by the heaven-born hopes of a redeemed child of God.
Look up says the Father. Look up in expectation. See the vaulted ceilings of beauty and life and blessing that I have erected over your present circumstances. On those ceilings you will see the masterpiece works of expectation and a bright future. In your behalf I expended all of heaven’s energies and creativity to give you something to live for and be glad that you draw breath in My kingdom. It’s a new day says the Father. Rejoice and know that I am with you in it.

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