The Father Says Today: July 17th, 2012

The Father says today be of good courage. Be of good courage for I am always with you and I will never forsake you. In the midst of the pressures and challenges you are facing know that I have intervened. The miracle you need has been on reserve for you before you were born.
When you were conceived in your mother’s womb I planned every one of your days and never once saw the necessity of heartache, failure or devastation. I am not the God of devastation and I place no premium on suffering. Put your trust in Me and be very courageous. Receive My courage as the replacement for fear and timidity.
You will not be disappointed says the Father. Listen to My voice. Commit to My word. My heart understands your heart says the Father. Know that I am with you. Know that I am working in the midst of your circumstances. Trust Me. Look for Me in the midst of the pressure. Take My hand and rest for I am bringing needed assistance in a timely manner.

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