The Father Says Today: July 16th, 2012

The Father says today that I formed creation by the words of My mouth. I articulated. I verbalized. I released words into the void that carried My intent and My desire and it was My intent and My desire that sprang into being. That process by which creative acts continue is yet in place in the earth. In fact says the Father I have put creative ability in you to shape and change and reform your own life and future.
I designed all creation to respond to the declaration: “Let there be…” As it was in the beginning so it is in your life today. The conditions, situations, and circumstances that comprise your life experience will respond to the voice that utters words that proceed from My heart.
Speak My words over your life this day. Speak My words into the void of confusion and lack and deprivation. See My life and My power begin to change your future as you respond to the void and act as I acted in the beginning.
Speak says the Father! Articulate! Verbalize! As My words proceed out of your mouth those things that are without form and void will become life and hope and dreams fulfilled!

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