The Father Says Today: July 15th, 2012

The Father says today that the years that the enemy consumed are being restored to you. I am addressing every lost opportunity and every failed enterprise that you have embarked upon in your past without seeing the results I promised. There are reasons for failure. You even know some of the reasons things didn’t work out in the past. Set that thinking aside. Refuse to recriminate yourself or to blame others. Heaven isn’t a blame game says the Father.
What I want you to know today is that there are projects from your past that failed and come to nothing that are back on the drawing board. I am the God of the second chance. Are you ready? Then lay aside the doubt and step toward the path that I am illuminating in your spirit right now. You will not be disappointed.

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Other Comments

  • Elizabeth says:

    Amen! Thank you so much. Now I know the reason why there are some things and people of the past I just cant completely let go of….its always felt like a spiritual connection!….

  • Chanika says:


  • Shelley says:

    So right on point. I absolutely receive this. Thank you, Lord, for speaking to me through the Waldens via this daily prophetic word!

  • Dysheana Sanders says:

    Thanks I had almost given up knowing that God ordained some things that I have not seen come into fruition!!! Confirmation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • The Bible tells us to know no man by the flesh, but by the spirit, I just found this web site and I feel as if I know you and your wife I know its by the spirit because of the same Father (Jesus his son) I feel this is a Prophet i can trust as i was able to view on your viedo conference it was wonderful. I put in for my personal word,I cant wait to get it. Thank you for your service to the Lord be blessed always. Sylvia.

  • And again and again I say THANK-YOU LORD .The LOVER OF MY SOUL .The LOVE OF MY LIFE .THE ONE ONLY GREAT I AM . I want to take the time to thank you servant of God for delivering the word of God to his people . May God continually bless you and yours forever more .