The Father Says Today: July 14th, 2023

The Father says today that burdens and weights are being lifted off of your tired shoulders. The weight that burdens you, that heavy yoke that has held you captive for far too long, shall be broken and destroyed by the anointing. This anointing, like fresh oils pouring out from the crushing of olives, is sweet smelling and has the power to lift the burdens that have weighed you down. The yoke and chain of your captivity are being dealt with by My hand. Your captivity will be turned around as it shatters, and your hopes will no longer be deferred. The dreams that have remained on the shelves of delays, denials, and disappointments will now be brought to life. It is your time, my dear children, to experience true and lasting freedom, justice, and divine settlement. I am prepared to grant you justice in this very hour. So, come boldly and plead your case before the courts of Heaven.

Plead your case before Me, says God. State your case for the promised settlement, for now is the opportune moment for restoration. Stand with confidence, for it is time to enforce all the verdicts and judgments that have been written in your favor. It is time for you to rule and reign, to walk in the anointing of kings. This anointing will place upon you the glorious garment of favor and recognition. You will no longer be the tail but the head. Beloved, though you have been pressed on every side, remember that it is through this pressure that great dividends will be yielded. Not only will it bring blessings to you but also to all those connected, related, and associated with you. This is the promise of My heart to your life, for I love you unconditionally and desire above all to to see you thriving, prospering, and walking in breakthrough and health.

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