The Father Says Today – July 13th, 2024 – God’s Acceleration: Your Breakthrough is Closer Than You Think!

The Father says today , objects are closer than they appear.  There are things in your life that seem like the promises are far off, that is a long time in coming, but the Father says, I am bringing a God-speed acceleration that you might find the exit out of the rat maze it seems like you’re in different areas of your life. I’m bringing My gifts into your life and I’m going to distinguish those gifts by My power and My Spirit.  I’m breaking down the enemy.  I will expose the enemy by the uniform that he wears.  My children and My people clothe ourselves with the joy of the Lord and the robes of righteousness. The enemy comes clothed in depression.  The enemy comes clothed in a sense of heaviness and guilt as though you weren’t good enough. I am vanquishing those thoughts because your worth is not determined by who you are or what you’ve done.  Your worth is determined by who Jesus is and what He did for you 2,000 years ago; the blood was enough.  I will begin to do a filtering work, a filtering process on your life and every precinct of your life.  I’m bringing a healing river that will cleanse out all of the refuse and garbage the enemy has brought in.  He’s come in, and he’s tried to clutter up your life; he’s tried to trip you up, clutter you up, distract you, and even destroy you so that he might stymie My purposes where you are concerned.

There is yet a plan I have for your life, and it’s more than just struggling from one complex situation to the next, and the Father says I am now going to remove these obstacles. I’m going to clear out a path as Isaiah said “that the wayfaring man though a fool will not err therein.” So this has nothing to do with how spiritual you are, how wise you may be but about My sovereign purpose that includes you and will not be denied.  I am bringing you off of what seems to be a ragged, rugged dirt road of no progress to a four-lane highway that’s well-paved without any ruts or bumps, and you’re going to make it to that distant horizon of My promise, and you’re going to be there sooner and not later, says the Father and My instruction to you is to begin to pray, the sooner not later prayer. In praying, I will respond and renew and strengthen you for the journey from where you are into the very reality of your blessing place prepared for you before the foundation of the world. 

Mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation.

I am here to be the Prophet in Your Life, to See You Come to Breakthrough in Every Area of Your Need.” ~~ Russ

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