The Father Says Today: July 13th, 2013

13 - 1The Father says today that you are the possessor of Spiritual Substance and not just religious dogma. The mind in its native condition is an enemy of My Spirit. Skepticism and unbelief find their home in the mind but Faith and Power arise from your born again spirit. So set it in your heart to bring your mind to heel and no longer allow it to rule or dictate to you the course of your life. You cannot serve two masters. The sanctified mind is the mind brought to submission the voice of My Spirit from within your inner man.
I am always speaking says the Father. My voice is the contact point in your life to My kingdom. You have prayed “Thy Kingdom Come…” My Kingdom comes in your life as you yield to My voice and align with My voice. Alignment to My purpose is not an outward posture. My voice without can only testify and encourage you to submit to My voice within. My sheep hear My voice WITHIN says the Father. Purpose to live out of your sheep nature before Me and I will shepherd and guide and protect you. I will bring you even this day says the Father to yoke easy and burden light.
All that you have cried and asked and petitioned Me for exists as Spiritual Substance on the inside of you via My indwelling Spirit. I am not holding out on you. Delay is not possible for I have given you all things freely in and of Myself. All things are in Me and I am in you and therefore you now have that which you have asked Me for. Accept it. Believe it. Anticipate it. The manifestation of your answer is at hand.

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  • Stephanie says:

    Surely this is the word of our father. May the lord continue to bless you and your family. May you receive added strength and endurance to carry out the task before. May he keep and protect you forevermore to be that voice crying out in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord…Glory to God in the name of Jesus of Nazareth.

  • Amen oo am believing God for success in my exam as iv heard HIS propheyic word i strongly believe HE has granted it unto me through HIS only begotten son amen

  • Yolande says:

    Thanks Prophet, this has restored my strength, I am forever grateful for you! God Bless you and keep you!