The Father Says Today: July 12th, 2023

The Father says today I speak to you this hour charged with the zeal of My house and urgent anticipation to bless, protect and bring promotion over your life, for the day of the Lord, My Dawning Day, is upon you. Prepare yourself, for in this divine moment, heaven’s interventions shall intersect with your life, bringing forth a time of significance and magnitude. Get ready, for on this day; you shall witness the greatest displays of my glory and power in the very situations that consume your existence. Be watchful and uphold a steadfast prayerful stance, as this heavenly interruption can manifest at any time, engulfing your life in a transformative embrace. Do not emulate the foolish five virgins who slumbered during their visitation, neglecting to seize the opportunity presented to them. Instead, emulate the wise five virgins who were ever prepared, ready to receive their appointed time of visitation, whether expected or unforeseen. Oh, my child, I urge you to grasp this truth: you are transitioning swiftly from mere revelation to tangible manifestation. You are on the precipice of moving from mere belief to heartfelt reception. Indeed, a season awaits where long-standing issues shall be resolved, where turnarounds and restoration will abound.

In the course of your mundane daily routines, remain vigilant, for it is through these ordinary moments that I will manifest myself to you. It could be a gentle breeze caressing your being, a gentle nudge from my Spirit, or an unquenchable desire to pray. Irrespective of the manner in which I choose to make myself known, be prepared to receive my interruption and respond accordingly. Let your heart overflow with praise and worship, creating an atmosphere conducive to heaven’s presence wherever you go. Let the harmonious blend of heaven’s essence and earthly existence serve as a catalyst, triggering divine visitations and extraordinary changes in your life. Embrace the day of the Lord, My Day, Arising in your life wholeheartedly. Brace yourself, for this is the opportune moment granted by my grace. It is in this era that I shall dispatch the Angel from my presence, bearing instructions for your ultimate good and guiding you towards the fulfillment of your promised land. May the joyous expectation of this divine encounter fill your soul, propelling you towards a future perfectly aligned with my divine purpose for your life. Be watchful, be prayerful, and be ready to embrace this heavenly interruption that shall transform your existence forever.

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