The Father Says Today: July 12th, 2013

Russ-May-2013-DreamsThe Father says today that My governmental purpose is upon your life this day. My peace and My government is on the increase over you and all you possess. The authority purchased by My blood enables you to possess your possessions and manifest the substance of those things you have so long hoped for.
No more delay says the Father and no more distraction. As you walk in fresh surrender on a daily basis I will take failure and disappointment and replace them with divine destiny and fulfillment. As you align yourself with who I AM on the inside of you I will cause you to see the satisfaction of your soul and be satisfied.
You see says the Father I place no premium upon suffering. For what purpose would I use what I died to take off of you? That isn’t what has been taught but listen to My voice and the clear testimony of My word. I will never say no to what the cross says yes to. My promises are sure says the Father and in nothing shall you be disappointed as you align your heart with Mine.

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  • Bridgette says:

    I Decree and Declare this word on today. I release my faith and hold steadfast to God’s
    amazing promises in the mighty name of our father AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! and AMEN!

  • faith moloi says:

    Thank you,thank you,thank you FATHER…I believe YOUR Prophet therefore I shall prosper Amen!!!