The Father Says Today: July 10th, 2023

The Father says today, that there is something of Myself growing in you on an exponential scale. The entire scope of the cost of Calvary is summed up in three little words: CHRIST IN YOU. I did not send My Son to lay the foundation for a religious culture. The Christianity that Jesus bled and died for is not an institution, or a regimen of liturgy or spiritual principles. I came that you might have life. In order for that life to be real in you, I had to give the whole of Myself to you as an indwelling reality. I have held nothing back. My Spirit is available to you without measure or portion. The only determination is, how much of yourself are you willing to relinquish to have all of Me, all the time, in every way possible?

What I have put on the inside of you is bigger than you can contain. You must allow the deposit of heaven within you to come forth and breathe in the environment you find yourself in. As I live and move and have My being within you and through you, things will change. Are you ready for change, says the Father? Change is the result of yielding fully and completely to who I am and what I have purposed within you. Be that, says the Father. Be that living sacrifice that will not crawl off the altar in search of a better offer. Religious pipe dreams and false promises will never satisfy the soul or answer one prayer. Come to Me, says the Father. Come to Me promptly. Come to Me fully. Come to Me fully and you will know Me fully – more so than you have ever known, for I love you greatly, and I am not willing for you to go down in defeat, clinging to a half measure of religious truth that does not reflect the fullness of My favor that is extended to you even now.

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