The Father Says Today: July 10th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-06-27 at 6.58.22 AMThe Father says today that I am releasing the spirit of meekness and authority over you as a character shaping grace. Moses was a man of meekness. When his enemies rose against Moses he fell on his face. This was the assurance of deliverance for him and will be the assurance of deliverance for you when you follow Moses’ example.
You see says the Father where envy and strife is there is confusion and every evil work. There are very few things in life that are worth getting in strife over. Put your trust in Me and know that your life is a jurisdiction of authority that I have invested all of heaven’s glory to strengthen and back up. I go before you says the Father. I am beside you. I am your rear guard.
So give no thought to the demands of the enemy or the expectations of those around you who do not have My mind where your life is concerned. It is My plan and My purpose that will prevail therefore you will be abundantly blessed and highly favored. As for your detractors, pray for them. Intercede and bless and release them into My hand says the Father for I will love them as I now love you. They will be so loved that they will forget what they were mad at you about. That is My plan and My purpose and as you cooperate with Me you will find satisfaction and peace for your soul in the midst of the warfare.

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  • john bavido says:

    As Peter said…” Lord wash not only my feet but my entire body, soul, and spirit as well”.

  • Yah there has been A LOT of warfare lately, so thank you Lord for speaking an encouraging word to me! Thank you also Russell for ministering this word to us.

  • shirley says:

    I came from work today afarid and confused after what was said to each one of us during the staff meeting. But after reading todays message i thank u father that u will handle my enemies and go before me making all crookedness straight . Thx u abba. And thx u prophet russ. God bless