The Father Says Today: January 8th, 2023

The Father says today that you are clean by the word that I have spoken to you in the secret place. The secret place is a place of abiding for you and not just occasional visitation. The enemy of your soul would draw you out into the concourse of vain things and vain thoughts, but I say to you, resist the enemy, and his strategy will fail. The pressure brought by circumstance and problems will dissipate in the secret place, for there is no lordship there but Mine. I am the Author and the Finisher, says the Father, and in the secret place, I have scribed My promises on the scroll of your life, and what I have written will not be disannulled.

So come to the secret place today, in your heart and in your mind. Allow Me to wash you and cleanse you of hollow thoughts and futile expectations. Let My fire in the secret place refine you as gold and leave you flawless in My image. Come away, My beloved. Come away from the shallows of earthly things and descend into the place where deep calleth to deep, that I might renew you in spirit, restore you in mind, give you strength for the day and sinew for the battle. Tear yourself away from the distraction of mind and distortion of vision the enemy would detour you with, and find yourself anchored in My love and secured by My Everlasting Arms.

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