The Father Says Today: January 7th, 2023

The Father says today, that you are one who is destined to know My voice. You will see what I am saying. You will hear what I am saying, and you will sense what I am saying. I am giving you NOW discernment at a deeper level than before. You will meditate on My goodness, and the distillation of My Spirit will manifest truth in the innermost parts of your being. As others have been a student of the Logos, you will be a student of the Rhema – even My present truth that is specifically and directly applied to your day-to-day life. In your life and the lives of others, you shall be able to answer the question, “what is the Lord saying today? What is He doing today?” Purpose in your heart to ACT upon what I reveal and prompt and compel you to do and to say.

I will cause you to be in the right place at the right time, and miracles will come. Miracles will come as you and as others cooperate with what I reveal through the Still, Small Voice. My voice is bringing transformation, so prepare to move with the cloud of My Spirit and the pillar of fire. I will give you projects and purposes and strategies of heaven, says the Father. I will show you the pay window for the natural resources needed and bring you blessing more than you might think. You will be known as one who walks in the Papa-God anointing, and many will be delivered of an orphan spirit as they gather to and around the love, provision, and ministry that I am bringing to you and through you – out to others.

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  • Tanya scott says:

    I am grateful to have you and the church praying for me and my family. I have reading your message for a long time. I am grateful to have someone to keep me grounded in the Lord. I ask that keep praying for me and my family.

  • Rev. Roy C. McSpadden says:

    I receive this word as mine own and am ready my Lord God Most High.