The Father Says Today: January 7th, 2013

The Father says today that you are to go out this day and be to others that which you desire Me to be in your own life. This is what it means when I say Christ is being formed in you. I am forming and fashioning you to be a reflection of My image in every circumstance and every situation.
You are not limited to your own finite resources in life says the Father. You have the grace to love the unlovable even when you are ignored or disappointed. Allow My response to be your response. Reach down past your own insecurities and anger and allow Me to love others through you and do for them even those things that they would never do for you.
From the moment that the incorruptible seed was conceived in your spirit you have been taking on My nature and My character on the inside of you. Change is possible. Change is a true and actual possibility in your nature. You are not bound. You have a choice that My grace on the inside of you makes possible. It is your destiny to express My nature, My love and My character says the Father. Go out this day and be a reflection of who I AM in your life.

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