The Father Says Today: January 6th, 2013

The Father says today make it your purpose not to scrutinize others too closely. Criticism of others is the favorite past time of the Pharisees and those with a religious mindset. Today you will have opportunity to display unconditional acceptance and love to one who falls short of your standards. Let My love and My grace shine out of you like a beacon!
Only My love is capable of inducing true and lasting change in the hearts of men. Religious intolerance imposes outward conformity but I am looking for inward transformation. Do not make the mistake that Peter made when he asked “What shall this man do?” The path on which I lead one man or the other has no bearing on what I am doing in your life. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by the deceptive practices of looking too closely at the choices and lifestyle of those around you. Get your eyes off of man and keep them on Me.
So make it your determination and your assignment today to tear down false standards and expectations that cause men and women around you to struggle with guilt and shame. In so doing you become a minister of reconciliation toward those that so desperately need the touch of heaven in their lives.

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  • Godgift says:

    Hallelujah. My father is indeed worthy. Thank you father for the lives of Kitty and Russ, you guys are indeed the true prophets of God Almighty. All the messages here from this website from May 2012 to this month is all talking about what was going on in my life. Surprisingly even today’s message was the exact message that “Our daily Bread” said. Since i found website on the 1st of this year, i know this website was a gift for God after loving him and crying for me for long. I love you father because you so awesome and great 🙂

  • omeg850 says:

    This word today is a confirmation of what I heard our Father said this morning to me, to focus on him and nothing else, I must not focus on what is going on around me. My computer was acting up and I could not participate in Holy Communion yesterday. Thank you for all you do in his Holy Name Jesus Christ.